AAA certificate

The simple AAA credit rating scale model has gained recognition and popularity in Scandinavia, Estonia and other countries where Bisnode Group companies operate. As of 2019, the AAA credit rating is also available in Latvia. The rating is calculated on the basis of four basic blocks of information – performance, origin, solvency and finances.   […]

AAA certificate

The simple AAA credit rating scale model has gained recognition and popularity in Scandinavia, Estonia and other countries where Bisnode Group companies operate. As of 2019, the AAA credit rating is also available in Latvia. The rating is calculated on the basis of four basic blocks of information – performance, origin, solvency and finances.   […]

“Tehnoinform” JSC becomes a member of AHK

Colliers International Advisors, Ltd is a member of the German-Baltic Chamber of Commerce in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. AHK represents German-Baltic business interests and unites more than 420 member companies. We are happy to be a member of AHK.

interpack 2023

JSC “Tehnoinform” will participate at “interpack 2023” from May 4, 2023 till May 10, 2023. Meet you at Latvian general stand 7AC02.


JSC Tehnoinform will participate at Scanpack from October 4, 2022 till October 7, 2022. Meet you at our stand 01:40.

AS “TEHNOINFORM” noslēdz līgumu ar Centrālo finanšu un līgumu aģentūru (CFLA).

AS “TEHNOINFORM” 2021.gada 20.augustā ar Centrālo finanšu un līgumu aģentūru (CFLA) ir noslēgusi līgumu Nr. par projekta “Energoefektīvas pašlīmējošu etiķešu ražošanas līnijas iegāde uzņēmumā AS “TEHNOINFORM”” īstenošanu. Projektu līdzfinansē Kohēzijas fonds.

AS “TEHNOINFORM” plāno noslēgt līgumu par energoefektīvas pašlīmējošu etiķešu ražošanas līnijas iegādi

AS “TEHNOINFORM” projekta Nr. “Energoefektīvas pašlīmējošu etiķešu ražošanas līnijas iegāde uzņēmumā AS “TEHNOINFORM”” ietvaros plāno noslēgt līgumu ar šādas līnijas piegādātāju. Projektu līdzfinansē Kohēzijas fonds.

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